Page 16 - Moreno Valley Citizen's Guide to the Budget
P. 16



        In preparation for this budget cycle, the City has utilized prior feedback and again asked the community to provide input on
        service priorities.  Additionally, the City has engaged thousands of Moreno Valley residents through electronic and mailed
        requests for feedback.  Preparation of this Adopted Budget required careful planning to effectively balance community
        feedback with the City’s strategic priorities and commitments.  Each City Department evaluated efficiencies and reviewed
        costs to ensure its budget aligns with City Council’s strategic priorities and goals.  The result is an Adopted Budget that
        allocates existing resources and includes additional funding only where necessary to maintain service levels in a responsible
        The City prides itself in being responsive, as well as responsible, stewards of the taxpayer dollar.  In past years, the City
        conducted a series of community surveys which asked the public about a range of issues, including satisfaction with some of
        the services we provide and issues of concern.  Many of the residents’ past responses were used to create the City’s strategic
        priorities and commitments.  Some of the priorities identified by the community in those surveys included:

           • Addressing homelessness
           •  Maintain 9-1-1 emergency response times
           • Maintain safe and clean parks and public areas
           •  Maintain the number of fire engines in service and gang and youth violence prevention programs
           • Prevent robberies and burglaries
           • Repairing potholes and roads

        The budget has focused on many community issues.  We are striving to identify new funding sources or means to continue
        to meet these growing community needs.

              HOW TO GET
              INFORMATION                                         JOIN THE
              AND GET                                           CONVERSATION  BALANCING
              INVOLVED                                  PUBLIC                  ACT     FINANCE


                                                     SOCIAL            Citizen              TELEPHONE
                                                     MEDIA         Engagement               TOWN HALLS

                                                       PUBLIC                           TOWN HALL
                                                      MEETINGS                          MEETINGS
                                                                   STUDY      PRIVATE
                                                                  SESSIONS    SURVEY

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